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26.04. - 28.04.2024
Zygote at Culterim | Veterinary | Prenzlauer Berg

Zygote (external curated)

26 - 28 April, 2024, Culterim | Veterinary | Prenzlauer Berg

Opening: 26 April 2024, 11am

Zygote is a fine art photography exhibition that navigates the profound topic of rebirth. Circles of new beginnings, binary unions merging into a whole, the zygote represents the cyclical formalities of life and death.

Held in a space that has witnessed both the cessation and revival of life, this former veterinarian clinic becomes a powerful symbol of the exhibition's central theme. A peculiar space for the displaying of artworks, where countless animals experienced life's end and miraculous second chances, it encapsulates the exhibition's essence. A place traditionally associated with healing and transformation, the setting encourages visitors to experience a spectrum of emotions, from the darker aspects of existence to moments of joy and enlightenment.

This exhibition reunites eight artists from various corners of the world, who first met during their studies in London. Featuring works by Abraham Adams, Julia Albrecht, Benjamin Bird, Lucas Bullens, Rachel Gordon, Thomas Jenkins, Selina Naouma, and Gregor Petrikovič; each artist's work is a personal reflection on the notion of being born again, and is influenced by their diverse cultural backgrounds and artistic practices.

The exhibition resonates with the idea that we can, in the words of Yung Pueblo, be reborn many times in one lifetime. It contemplates depression and trauma's role in this process, akin to fire that clears the old to make way for new growth and healing. This journey from hardship to resilience and renewed self-awareness is an essential narrative thread. Zygote is a journey through the cyclical nature of art and existence. Set in a space symbolic of life's precarious balance, it invites viewers to reflect on the inherent capacity for rebirth found in both nature and the human spirit. The exhibition is a testament to art's power to encapsulate and interpret the complexities of life, death, and the eternal cycle of renewal.

Opening Days:

26 April - 11am - 9pm

27 April - 11am - 7pm

28 April - 11am - 6pm

With artworks by:

Abraham Adams

Julia Albrecht

Benjamin Bird

Lucas Bullens

Rachel Gordon

Thomas Jenkins

Selina Naouma

Gregor Petrikovič


Culterim | Veterinary | Prenzlauer Berg

Erich-Weinert-Straße 135, 10409 Berlin

Near S-Greifswalderstraße

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